Monday, April 28, 2014


After a long of consideration, we decide to combine the category of presentation. It won't be separated between Senior High School and Junior High School. So prepare yourself!:)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Themes for Each Competitions

Elimination round
Theme: Odyssey of the mind
Choose and prepare one of the stories to tell below:
-          Beauty and the beast
-          The black geese
-          Tale of the doomed prince (a.k.a. the prince and his three fates)
-          Minangkabau
-          Aladdin
Feel free to improvise and make the story as interesting as possible! Be creative! :)

Elimination round
Choose and prepare an interesting presentation to deliver your ideas on one of the topics below!
1.      The importance of having innovative personality
2.      How technology has changed/will change our lives
3.      Great leadership changes everything
1.      The role of entrepreneurship in developing innovative youths
2.      Innovation as the key feature of an ideal global society
3.      The role of intellectual youths in innovations

Human Rights
THBT government in developing countries should support the practice of surrogacy.
THBT wearing religious identity should not be allowed in public schools.
THBT criminal defendants should only be allowed to use a state appointed attorney.
THW ban all political donations.
THBT violence is a legitimate political expression.
THW suspend elections in countries with very high levels of government debts.
THBT twitter should censor its content.
TH regrets the rise of anti-hero in media.
THW prohibit media from reporting on private lives of any person without their explicit permission.
Future Innovation
TH welcomes the advent of extreme (artificial and natural) genetic advancements for humans.
Assuming the technology has already established, THW legalize the procedure of erase or implant memory.
Assuming the technology has already established, THW criminalize time travel.
THBT US should repeal its constitution to not negotiating with terrorist.
THBT ASEAN should have its own regional peace keeping force.
As the people of Ukraine, THBT more agreement with Russia will bring more good than harm.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Hello guys! We have opened the registration for you who are interested in our competition since last monday. So get yourself registered asap from now! we're looking for your presence! We are also going to have an International Meeting or we called it Talkshow on May, 10th, 2014 with our special guest star, and he is............ DANIEL MANANTA!!:)
So what are you waiting for? Come and Join with us!:)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014



1.        Debate (Senior High School)                                            : Rp. 250.000/team
2.        Story telling (Junior High School)                                    : Rp. 100.000/person
3.        Presentation (Junior and Senior High School)                  : Rp. 100.000/person

Registration is opened on Monday, April 7th 2014. The fee can be given directly by coming to SMAN 1 Bogor at the very latest one week after Technical Meeting (Saturday, April 26th 2014) or by transferring to the committees account:
·         Bank                     : Bank Mandiri Cabang Bogor (BNR)

·         Acc. No.                : 900-00-1422234-4

·         On behalf of         : Indira Amelia Putri
The transfer slip should be sent to at the very latest on the second day after transferring.
For further information about the competition and registration, please contact :

Ø  Competition          Dea Amelia   [081314444997]

Ø  Public Relation      : Indira Amelia [081295323292]

Notes         :
            Sms      : Every day                              (07.00 – 21.00)
            Phone  : Monday - Wednesday           (16.00 – 21.00)
                           Thursday                              (14.30 - 21.00)
                           Friday                                   (12.00 – 21.00)
                           Saturday – Sunday               (07.00 – 21.00)



You can follow this link to download the documents :


if you don't have any accounts, you can use this to download the documents :
email :
password : 040897